Saturday, November 20, 2010

Indoor light

Today was freezing outside and rained most of the day so I tried to practice taking pics indoors.  This was in my living room with some light from the window shining in on Alyssa's face.  Obviously, there's a bunch of ugly random stuff in the background.  It looks so blah to me.  I just thought that the light on her face looked pretty good, maybe what I was aiming for...?  Or is it not good?  I have no idea.  Having not played in photoshop, I just don't know how much of the blah-ness is because I'm not doing anything to it in photoshop, and how much of it is because I'm just not doing things right on my camera to begin with...  Do you know what I mean?  Any critiquing on this photo would be super helpful, I'm curious.  I guess just on the exposure.  but anything else too... :-)


1 comment:

  1. very cute. looks like you did a good job pushing your camera to its limits with the settings. Notice that the light is not flat, but she has a little shadowing, which is more dimensional.
